Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I just realized that I don't know how to use my other page. This could cause problems.

Isn't it the most perfect thing ya'll ever did see?
(I take no credit for the picture above.  I just love the rightness of it all)

And on a side note, I feel the sudden urge to rant about my video games again. It's fun. So here goes....

MASS EFFECT!!!!!! I would use more exclamation points but then I wouldn't be able to tell you about just how awesome it is!! Just before typing this, I was thinking 'I've gotten a lot cooler since I started playing Mass Effect.' And now, as I am typing, I am thinking 'Wow I thought I was cool for someone who posts blogs for no one to read. Hellllllll yeeeahhhhh.'
But I digress!
I first only bought Mass Effect 2 because it was made/produced/whatever by Bioware, the same company who whatever'd Dragon Age and I desperately needed something to play to waste time away with. As I started playing it (well for one, I wasn't enjoying myself) I kind of wanted the first game. Not because I began to have fun but because I learned of Kaidan Alenko, the dickwad that he is. I, however, did not know that he was in fact a dickwad of douche-baggery and so I, naive as I was, romanced him and then proceeded to finish the game. I completed it in little over 20 hours, mistakenly completely forgetting about any and all side-quests. By accident of course. But my feelings were something along the lines of "FINALLY! NOW ONWARDS, TO MASS EFFECT 2!! (With two exclamation points to prove it!)"
But- whoa whoa wait a minute.... I forgot something here. Oops.


I had already beaten Mass Effect 2 before deciding to finish beating Mass Effect 1. My first run-through was on a default storyline and so I don't intend on using that when ME3 comes out in March (though... maybe if just for continuing my romance with Garrus). But I must admit it was strangely successful in all senses of the word. By the end, I had no casualties in the suicide mission and everything worked out the way I wanted. Except for Miranda not being loyal but the bitch doesn't die so it doesn't really matter anyways! *cough* Excuse me.

But ME2 was even more fun when using my ME1 imported character. Like the little chat I had with the rachni queen-controlled asari woman. Kind of creepy but still sweet that she thought of me. I'll bet I'll be getting some kind of shit out of that in the third game. (No. Not the sexual kind. Though considering what a gee Shepard is and that everyone (everyone) throws themselves at my feet, it may just happen...)
I bought the Arrival DLC but unfortunately I can't seem to use it. So for now, until I get that junk installed properly, I guess I'll just... wait? Though it's a good thing I hate batarians. Hate 'em. So much. But recently I realized that I don't think I hate them that much.  Really unfortunately, I seem to actually.... *like* like them...  eww.
I wasn't nearly as attached or in love with any of the NPC romance-ables but they were still cute.  Garrus was adorably awkward.  Thane and his sexy audio erotica.  Jacob?  And his tight buns?  Sure.  But if Kaidan looks ANYTHING like either his ME3 concept art or that cute thang I saw on the cover of some... thing (lol Buffy speak) then I will proceed to ravish him like nobody's business.  Or they can join in, I don't really care.  If James Vega isn't even better-looking that is.  kekeke.  Oh yes, my evil plan is working perfectly.  Mwahahaha!!! 

So anyways.  I don't think I can use that "of the day" page.  But I'm lazy so I won't try to figure anything out.  I guess I'll just have to post videos and the like on my normal blog posts.  *sigh* Woe is me.  Don't expect any out of me today though.  Like I said.  I'm lazy.

heh.  Nice.

I broke my laptop.  teehee?

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