Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wait a second....

Aloha!  I also just remembered that I said that I was going to add another surprise.  I can't actually remember what that surprise was going to be.  So I'll just make up one now and call it:


Aint' dey just so cute ><  If only you knew what they looked like in-game... O///O
 That picture made me think of my new obsession with role-playing games.  I technically started with Oblivion but I personally hated that game even though it was voted game of the year by tons of people.  Then I played Fable 2 and 3 though I don't really consider those two RPGs.  And then, I found Dragon Age: Origins.  I literally fell in love with Alistair and then had a bit of a fling with Zevran.  Oh, how I miss them.  I really wish that the sequel focused on my character from the first game, but considering some might have had their characters killed off in the ending, it probably wasn't possible.  Like most game critics agreed, Dragon Age 2 just wasn't as fulfilling story wise.  The user interface and fighting styles were great and I loved them.  At times I liked the graphics slightly more than the first game's.  But it just wasn't the same as the original.  Like the way you could accidently start a meaningful conversation with someone about who you love in the middle of an epic battle with a couple of greater shades.  Overall, I loved the first game more, but the second one had its perks too (my favorites being the cameos from King Alistair and Zev, the ex-Antivan Crow).  But I got off topic.  I was supposed to be talking about something else wasn't I?  Instead I gave a mini game review.  Oh well...

video of the day:

Cracks me up everytime.

song of the day:

story of the day:

Adieu Reject Status!

(Just FYI, I have absolutely no idea what the hell that is supposed to be about)

Hmmm... soon I think I might add a "manga of the day" category too.  If you haven't noticed these categories and their components make up most of my blog posts, so it's pretty mandatory that I have them.  But I admit that I also just like spamming people with my favorite randomness.

Told ya.
And as a side-note: I was an extremely good-looking person in Dragon Age: Origins.  Just sayin'

Monday, May 9, 2011


I haven't much to tell except to share this little fun piece of info:
Bi Rain is the number one most influential person of the year according to TIME magazine.  He beat people like Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, Stephen Hawking, the guy who plays Kurt on gLee...  I think I just have to share the embedded video with everyone just to show how awesome that is.   

I finally figured out what 'FTW' meant.  Apparently I'm not the only one who thought it meant 'fuck the world'.  Interesting... 
I also just remembered that Cesare Borgia IS a real person so I was NOT crushing on a fictional person.  Heh.  Though whether or not he had that great of hair, I can not be certain. 
I suppose I should add two videos to make up for the time I was gone so here ya go:

videos of the day:

songs of the day:

Lately, I've really been into watching thai lakorns.  They're so dramatic and juicy!!  My favorite actress ever is Aff.  She's just so pretty.  I'm pretty much just watching all of the lakorns that she appears in along with a to-die-for hot guy.  Which (in my opinion) has only been "Jai Rao" with Ken and "Wanida" with Tik (which Joy actually looks gorgeous in.  If you've ever seen "Jam Loey Rak" then you know what I'm talking about.  Trust me when I say that that's a good picture).  Aum is pretty cool but strangely enough, his voice sounds so much different out of lakorn than in. 

But then I also remembered that I didn't add any videos to the last post so here's an extra just to make up for it! 

I really like the Breakfast Club ending :}

stories of the day:

Unwanted Attention

Love Pain

(If those stories turn out to be totally random and insane and creepy then... that's probably because I have no idea as to what they're about.  I randomly picked at random)

Heh.  Just wait for next week's.  That's some kind of win right there.